Thursday, February 26, 2015

A Little Background

So weird to figure out how to start these.

Who we are and our story to now.

I'm 32 and my wife is 8 days younger than me.  We have a 2 year old daughter, and plan to have another once we get into the new house.  We met in College in the Midwest, after graduation we moved to LA where we lived for almost 3 years.  LA was fun, we met some nice people but soon figured we didn't see a future there so why waste more time there.  A job offer in Charlotte moved us here.  After renting for 3 months we looked at the home market and after spending crazy amounts on rent in LA we were excited to buy a house and pay less than we did out there.  

We found the perfect starter home 2 bed 1 bath just over 1100 sq ft.  The good thing is we bought in 2008, o wait that wasn't a good thing the market dropped out within a year.  After the 1st year our house had dropped almost 30,000 in value.  Ouch. 

At the time we weren't too concerned as we didn't have any plans of moving for a while. 

Fast forward to early 2011, we are starting to talk about baby plans.  Do we move or do we stay?   But at that time we were still way to underwater in our house to get out.  We decided to continue with baby thinking we had until she was school age to really feel the pressure of moving into a good district.

So now here we are.  The market is rebounding big time, especially our part of town that is getting very popular.  We close on our house next week.  We aren't getting more than we paid but we will at least come out a little on top.  I just keep pinching myself and knocking on wood,  we had the best case happen as a seller.  Our house went on the market we had almost 10 showings the first 5 days and by the first weekend we had 4 offers and accepted one above asking. So lucky.*pinch pinch pinch knock knock knock*

To play the pessimist we are waiting until we are through with closing to sign with Ryan. 

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