Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Pre Drywall meeting

This week we had a our walk through before drywall goes up.  Everything was as we wanted, no changes needed with wiring.  Since we are coming from an older house it was nice to see all the exterior outlets that come standard.

There was one thing that needed our attention.  The plan our PM showed us for the deck stairs had them wrapping around the corner of the morning room hugging the house.  We don't want that because when we finish the basement down the road the stair would block any windows we would want to put into the morning room basement space.  We asked him to changed that so they would go down from the front of the deck.

He was able to make the change and have the stairs the way we would like them.
My new deck concern is the light next to the exit of the basement might be under the deck, making it of little use.

They build quick

Once they got the footers in everything went up quick.  We now have a full house sitting there but I will quickly go through everything up till now.  You'll see in the pictures below I picked a few spots on posts to take a picture every time I went.  That way I could see going back how it changed

Here is the lot from the street not much to look at from here I chose a few angles that I would take from each week.  Street Light is pretty much the edge of the property.  This is the lot as it was before any work was done.

Here is it with the Basement dug out

Footers have been dug
3/31/15 and then poured 4/1/15

Forms for walls up

The house is here, some assembly required and walls done

Starting to frame the basement walls.  Every other part was prebuilt and sent on trucks, this was the one thing that was framed on site since every basement lot might be different.
4/22/15 and 4/23/15

Two days later suddenly it gets real

Where we are now from the outside, more things changing on the inside for now.


I sorry it has been awhile since I have posted on this board.  Our loan was in under writing and while I say I'm not a superstitious person, I didn't want to get to excited until it felt more for sure.  But we are past all that now.